Relationships, these days, are often misconstrued to be more about the physicality and materialistic aspects. I have always believed it to be more than that. It is simply much more than that what it is thought of, these days. These few lines completely demonish those notions.
This poem was penned down in little more than 10 minutes, although with a gap of a week. However, I am glad that I was able to pen down the ending of this poem in a proper manner. Do let me know if you liked the poem 🙂
Not every relationship is about, I want to see you now;
But whenever we see each other, I want to see you smiling.
Not every relationship is about, I want to meet you now, come over;
But whenever we meet, we will have one hell of a time.
Not every relationship is about, I want to talk to you, call me now;
But whenever you be free, we will talk for hours.
Not every relationship is about; I want to hang out with you this weekend,
But whenever you find the time, we’ll rock the evening.
Not every relationship is about showering gifts and presents,
But sometimes, spending time together is the greatest treasure.
Not every relationship is about the laughter and cheer,
But sometimes, it is more about wiping those tears.
Not every relationship has to be about, now or never,
But it is always about being there, and theirs forever!
This is such a lovely poem.