Not Every Relationship is About…
Relationships, these days, are often misconstrued to be more about the physicality and materialistic aspects. These few lines completely demonish those notions.
Relationships, these days, are often misconstrued to be more about the physicality and materialistic aspects. These few lines completely demonish those notions.
A short poem depicting the daily struggles every mom goes through in raising her child. A walk down the memory lane!
A short poem which I wrote some time back; it describes how two people met for the first time after knowing each other for a long time. A walk down…
A short-imaginary-poem which I had penned down, a little while ago. Hope you guys like it as much I did writing it! :)
I’d like to thank all those who helped and those too, who honestly replied that they will not be able to! I owe a huge thanks to all of you!…